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Sep 28, 20202 min read
How I Turned Writing Into a Career
I have been writing for over a decade. In that decade, I have worked at CBS, Fox, Static Media, Horsemen Investigations, and many more...
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Sep 21, 20202 min read
Marketing Your Book and How My Mistakes Shaped My Upcoming Release
If you know me, you have probably heard me go on about the release of my next book called Jon Drake. I have talked about it endlessly and...
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Aug 25, 20204 min read
The Current Status of DC Comics and the Future
This headline appears like a fear-mongering way to get someone to read my story. But in reality, it is something that bends closer to the...
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Aug 3, 20203 min read
Robert B. Hayek: Origin Story Part 2
So following my original article on how I started my writing career, I have published my first book. It has had mixed results. But the...
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Jul 27, 20202 min read
Dana Raulerson: Reach For the Sky!
Poets come in many versions. Some find original inspirations for how they build their poems, and others use that to translate it onto...
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Jul 20, 20204 min read
Robert B. Hayek: Origin Story Part 1
Every week I write about various authors throughout the world and how they have come to this point to become the writers they are. This...
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Jul 13, 20203 min read
Megan James: The Prestigious Poet
Poets come in all forms. Some have their own brand of poetry that comes from inspiration. Others take life experiences and convert those...
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Jul 6, 20203 min read
James Fuller: 13 Stories of Experience
Authors are all at different stages of their careers. Some are attempting to publish their first book, while others are striving to...
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Jun 29, 20202 min read
Syntell Smith: Answering the Call!
Writers come in many forms. Some are poets, others fiction authors and a few write non-fiction. But every writer has that one moment in...
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Jun 22, 20205 min read
Vika Coppens: Queen of the Art!
Many people aspire to become artists, but only a select few can master it to where their work constantly impresses the masses who wish to...
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Jun 15, 20204 min read
Mark Piggott: Building New Worlds Forever
Sometimes, writers articulate their stories into one giant story that ends up being something that they are most known for. Then, they...
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Jun 8, 20203 min read
Katrina Lippolis: Poetry in Motion
Poets move to a different beat than other writers. They see things that fiction authors do not always visualize and can put other words...
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Jun 1, 20204 min read
Heather Copfer: The Reviews Are In!
Writers create stories every day whether it’s in the form of a book or an article. The words explode off the page in the form of a story...
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May 25, 20203 min read
Clarke Wainikka: Floating on the Wild Side
When authors publish their first book, the pressure immediately begins for them to contemplate how they will approach the second book....
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May 18, 20204 min read
D.L. Timmerman: A Superhero of Epic Proportions
What do superheroes and characters in a novel have in common? Both usually have deep backstories and often, the origin stories are...
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May 11, 20203 min read
Sarah Sutton: Perfecting Her Craft in Storytelling
As a six-year-old girl, Sarah Sutton dreamed of nothing more than becoming a published author. While many other kids her age probably did...
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May 4, 20203 min read
Chelsii Klein: Making a Heavenly Debut
Unknown authors have to perfect their craft before getting that first novel released out into the public. It is not always easy and they...
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Apr 27, 20203 min read
P.J. Stanley: Pressing the Envelope on the Mystery Thriller
Everyone loves a good mystery, especially when the story is compelling and the characters are engaging. But telling a good mystery is not...
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Apr 20, 20203 min read
E.H. Night: She Stands The Test of Time
The 1980s was a weird time in America. It was an era of fun music, with leather jean jackets and stylish hair. The 80'd had bold styles...
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Apr 10, 20202 min read
Ryan C. Himes: You Better Save The Name
It is not always easy to get traction as an independent writer. Some have to struggle and claw to get their name out there, even to the...
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Author Spotlight: Blog2
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