It is not always easy to get traction as an independent writer. Some have to struggle and claw to get their name out there, even to the point of competing with every other writer on

the market. It is especially difficult when some have to compete with others to get their message across. They do it through multiple outlets. Then again, they also have to start somewhere, and it often begins with learning about the fundamentals of how to get themselves off the ground.
“I knew I wanted to become a writer about a couple years ago,” recalled Ryan C. Himes, author of several short stories. “I read so many books that it all began with a single spiral notebook. I started jotting down some ideas. After much revision, those interesting ideas lead to the stories I have completed today.”
Himes works meticulously to create every story, with great preparation to ensure that each story comes across well to the reader.
“My styles always begins with some notes and ideas jotted down in a numbered spiral,” he added. “Then I write an extremely rough copy of a chapter that no one else sees. Finally, I revise that rough copy.”
Save the Date was his most recent short story, featured on Wattpad. Himes went into detail the process he took his main character Ambrose and all he puts him through. He emphasized where the idea for this story came from and where he wanted to take his main character.
“I also wanted the chaos of a party to reflect Ambrose’s racing thoughts. The various events at the party often symbolize the fate of Ambrose,” Himes highlighted.
He also wrote another story, a novella called All Hallow’s Evening, which is

free on Inkitt.
“All Hallow’s Evening came about with the desire to create a story that was quintessentially Halloween,” he explained. “I took all that I love about the Halloween season, and in some way or another included it within the pages of that ghost story.”
These stories helped Himes focus in on his creative talents and put it all down in a constructive manner that allows him to create new tales all the time.
“My favorite part about storytelling is creating something unique. Then attempt to write something fast paced that only I could create,” Himes detailed.
Many writers write stories out of their imaginations. Other writers often base stories off real life inspiration. Himes actually wrote a flash fiction called Sharp Skinned Hawk, which he explained he based on a real life encounter.
“I saw a hawk one day and was intrigued by its habits,” he explained. “I looked up hawks in a reference manual for bird spotting. Then I wrote the story down in one of my spirals.”
At the moment, Himes is not looking to publish. His goals are to create as much content as he can and share his work with others. He also offered advice to any young people thinking of branching out into writing.
“Revise,” he advised. “A story can always be a little better than when you first wrote down the words.”